
SPIRIT GUIDES - How To Contact The Spirits

How to Connect with your SPIRIT GUIDES, Guardians and Ascended Masters.

Greetings and welcome to this section on tuning your psychic channel, where you'll learn precisely How to Open your Psychic Channel and Connect with your Spirit Guides.

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Open Your Channel | Ground Your Energy:

Choose a special place where you can practice without interruption or distraction.
Some people have a special room, corner, or altar space set up in their home just for spiritual practice.
The most important component of any effective ritual practice is repetition—programming your body, mind, and spirit with the associations of what you do when you're "in your spot."
Over time, the familiarity and the repetition will take root on a deep subconscious level -- this is called charging.

You can charge—or program—objects and physical places with specific intentions and energy.
This is why psychics and mediums are able to read the energy of personal objects (psychometry) and the residual spiritual energy associated with buildings and locations.

Create Safe Space:

Rituals, Spells, Prayers, Meditations, Visualization Techniques:

Please adapt any form of personal ritual or existing systems of faith that work for you through the process of communicating with your guides.
The overall goal is to center your energy, concentrate your thought processes, access your intuition or Higher Self, and ultimately log onto or connect with that Deeper, timeless, infinite aspect of your Soul-level awareness.

• If you are familiar with Wicca, or any other neo-pagan belief system or practice, I recommend you cast a protective circle, employ Grounding and Centering exercises, or Call the Corners.

• If you already practice a specific meditation technique, contact your guides in the context of one of these sessions.

• If you regularly pray in a traditional sense, incorporate contacting your guides as a part of your prayers.

• If you are unfamiliar or uncomfortable with any specific technique, then do a little research on the above to find a practice that feels right to you.

There is no "right way" to pray. There are better ways to pray and numerous meditation techniques out there which are outside the scope of this report.
The important thing is that you find a way to access a prayerful or meditative state that feels right to you and supports your existing faith.

Communicating with spirit guides and guardian angels and ascended masters is a universal spiritual concept – it is not exclusive to any one particular belief system or religion.

Undertake your spiritual development with the Highest Intentions for all involved. Do what you will, so long as it harms no one. Believe in everything a little bit. Don't be afraid to borrow what works from multiple faiths, keep what works for you, and throw out the parts that don't.

If you still aren't sure where to begin, deep, cleansing "yoga breaths" are always a good basic exercise anyone can use to calm the mind and connect to a clearer conscious awareness.

Basic Deep Breathing:

I call these "yoga breaths" - I don't know that this is the "official" name for the technique, but it's one that you may encounter any number of places.
Even medical doctors and clinical psychologists recommend a form of deep, cleansing breath as a way to manage anxiety, panic attacks, or overwhelming episodes of fear, anger, etc.

It's really simple:

Breathe in to the count of four; hold for the count of four; breathe out to the count of eight; hold for the count of four; repeat 3 times.

Repeat this breath at least three full times:

In: 4; Hold: 4; Out 8: Hold 4
In: 4; Hold: 4; Out 8: Hold 4
In: 4; Hold: 4; Out 8: Hold 4

Ground Your Energy:

Grounding your energy basically amounts to visualizing the column of energy points in the body (chakras) linking up and extending into the earth beneath you.
You will find many meditation techniques that walk you through this in greater detail, but essentially imagine your spine growing a tail, a silver cord or golden cable of energy, that grows beneath you and "plugs in" to the center of the earth.

Imagine yourself to be a tree, with roots growing down into the ground from the base of your spine.
You can also extend this energy into an antenna-like structure that reaches high above you—visualize a cord or cable of light/energy that starts at the heart and follows your spine up through your throat and brain and sprouts out of the top of your head.

Cloak Your Energy:

Visualize yourself wrapped in white light. After your breathing pattern is established, you may wish to close your eyes and picture yourself wrapped in a dome or bubble of white, protective light.

You may hear this called "Wrapped in the White Light of the Holy Spirit."
I've found that doing this outside, in the sunshine is a great way to visualize and feel this light protection in a very real, physical way.

With your eyes closed, facing into the sun, the sensations of bright light and color coming from above, combined with the warmth on your skin, is a powerful way to access this visualization.

Once you've "logged" that experience, you can recall it with creative visualization (your imagination)—simply remember what that feels like—even when it's night time or you're indoors.
Visualizing yourself wrapped, cloaked, drenched, or enclosed with light is the most effective and general form of spiritual or psychic protection.

Hail (invoke) Your Guides:

Call your guides to attention.
Ask your spirit guides and guardian angels to gather around you.

I recommend physically speaking out loud. You ideally want to perform this type of spiritual communication and prayer in private, anyway.
Even if you must speak quietly so that your roommate doesn't think you're nuts, use your vocal chords.
You want to employ or turn on energy points (chakras) that correspond with organs in the physical body.
Again, chakras are a subject you may wish to research elsewhere because it's an
enormous topic, beyond the scope of this page.

Speaking out loud affects clairaudience—psychic hearing—much like a kind of human sonar or pinging capability. This is not unlike the way dolphins and bats use echo location—seeing with sound throwing your voice and reading the sound waves that return or bounce back to your mind on multiple, other levels.


Invocations are invitations to spirit, often in the form of prayers, verses, mantras, or incantations. Invocations abound in all faiths, belief systems, and traditions—the variety of exact wording and the
options are almost infinite.
Just like vows in a wedding ceremony, you may use "canned," traditional vows (existing lines written by someone else and used by alot of people) or you may opt to write your own.
Many people struggle with "finding the right words," and the prescription is generally the same as the bottom-line goal—to speak from the heart.

Invocations can range from the formal, theatrical, or grandiose, to simple conversational language. How do you pray? What is your name for God? You see right away how many options there may be…

Some people find great power in using traditional invocations, other people may find vocalizing the same words "a bit hokey."

I don't want to prescribe a specific invocation, incantation, prayer, or spell and tell you that you absolutely must "say" the right "magic words" or it won't work......Because that's rubbish.

Be open-minded, be creative, be adaptive—try different ways of calling on your guides.
You may wish to research affirmations, prayers, mantras, and invocations to find the style and substance that suits you.
If you "feel stupid" saying a certain set of words, then try another mantra, prayer, or verse. Don't get hung up on words—speak from the heart, say what you mean, and mean what you say.

What are doing when you invoke your guides? You're calling them to attention; you're requesting that they gather around you for a group meeting, with a high level of respect, reverence, gratitude, and the
best possible intentions.

A couple of examples would be to call your chosen God/Goddess | Divine Creator | Source of All that Is), Ascended Masters, Archangels, Spirit Guides, Guardian Angels and/or Higher Self.....

Then say....

I ask that you help me to manifest, to communicate, and to access Divine Wisdom and Divine Guidance on all levels of consciousness. I require the absolute highest level of integrity, intention, clarity, and accuracy, at all times.
I need you to exceed my best intentions, to always provide me with information that aligns with my highest purpose and with my true path.
I intend that my will be carried out for the highest good of all involved. Thank you." (Always thank your guides once you're finished)

Another possible formal invocation that you might try reads more like a letter:

"I ask that all communication with my spirit guides, teachers, and guardians be specific and accurate, and that messages and answers to my questions be delivered in the forms I am most likely to understand.
Please help me to remain aligned with my Higher Self and to receive Divine Wisdom in accordance with the best intentions, not only for myself, but for the good of all involved. Assist me to understand, trust, and take positive action on the information I receive. Thank you."

Here, you may specify a certain form you prefer, such as more clairvoyant imagery, or clairaudient language. BUT, beware that you do not place limits on the ways in which your guides may communicate with you.
If you're just beginning to engage them in this way, you may not realize that you have an aptitude for a particular form of psychic perception—you may not know yet what your natural intuitive talents may be.

Wait until you see what kind of information tends to come through for you strongest, and then choose to expand that ability, or to develop another, weaker meta-sensory faculty.

That concludes this section on learning how to Connect with your Spirit Guides. We hope you've enjoyed your stay and just all good takes time AND practice to establish a good connection to the spirit world.

Don't give up if you find it hard the first time, just take a break and come back to it, and always be open to receiving messages in any area of your life...... because like we said before, the spirirs can sometimes be subtle.

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