
How To Awaken KUNDALINI SPIRIT - Free Guide

A Step by Step Guide to Awakening the Divine Force of Kundalini Spirit.

You've read through our previous pages on the Kundalini and now You're ready to take on the challenge of unleashing this divine energy within yourself?.......using it for the purpose of your own spiritual, mental, emotional and physical evolution?
If what I've just said makes little or no sense to you then I Strongly Urge you to Go Back Now and read the sections on What The Kundalini Is, and What Its Purpose Is.

Proceeding at this point could be dangerous and I don't want anyone undertaking this intense energetic reconfiguration without first understanding the fundamentals.

Gaining a full understanding of Kundalini Energy will help you to develop the correct respect that this powerful force deserves, and allow you to make the best choices with regards to your own spiritual ascension.

If you haven't been over these sections and you've landed on this page then please Go Back Now.

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Prepare To Awaken The Spirit Of Kundalini:

It is possible to achieve several lifetimes of growth during one life by safely releasing, assimilating and using more Kundalini.
Proper release requires time, patience and perseverance. Once release is started, there is no turning back. It will continue on its own.
Kundalini release is a process with its own intelligence and goal, blending with the spiritual at the crown chakra: The dance of shakti and shiva.
The more prepared your system, the easier the release and the faster the energies are assimilated to increase in levels of ability. Many people feel called to enter into this life but not all have qualified teachers to guide them. Many work with Kundalini who only have a sketchy knowledge of it.

Most of the sources are Eastern; they are not always easily understood and are directed to those who dedicated their lives to spiritual growth. In the West we usually do not have the time (if it were even possible) to separate ourselves from life and concentrate on staying in the world and bringing the spiritual into it.

Many have been introduced into chakra work without exposure to the nadis, glands and the entire system. If chakra work is all you do, it is like concentrating on the wheels of a vehicle! Important, but what about the rest of it?

Caring for the physical body before, during and after Kundalini raising is very important; it is our living machine through which we express and receive. We achieve higher states of evolution only as our body permits; when the body denies us we feel encased or trapped in it. Instead of getting away from the body, we need to learn to bring it along. A transformed body feels great confidence, freedom and joy.

Revitalizing the Cells:

Lie comfortably on your back. Do deep, peaceful breathing for a few minutes, then take several complete breaths. With your eyes closed, visualize a golden energy entering each cell and bringing new vitality. Then visualize prana coming in through the breath, travelling to each cell with the golden energy. Really FEEL this energy going into each cell.

Receiving Energies from the Universe:

The earth is part of the universe and so is the recipient of its energies in all of their various frequencies. Meditate on this while doing deep, peaceful breathing. Ask the energies of the universe to balance the system, to modify excessive frequencies and bring needed ones.
Visualize the energies becoming balanced. Also visualize becoming more open to the nutrients available in foods as well as in the universe. Energies you receive through food have been transmuted into the different frequencies necessary for your system. As the world's population continues to increase, it will be most beneficial to know how to use these energies directly instead of getting them transmuted through food.
We already do this with the sun's vitamin D.
The physical body, as a living machine given to us for learning how to use energy and its different frequencies, is extremely important in our evolution. When we understand this fully, we will no longer need to be born in bodies; we will be able to use energy directly from the universe without the aid of a living machine (the body) transmuting energy into different frequencies for various purposes.

Rebuilding Cells:

Vitamins and minerals are simply energy frequencies which the body needs for full development and function. When these needs are not met because of inadequate diet or the body's own inability to assimilate the energy from food, there need to be alternative ways. Some needs are met by inducing emotional or mental states of a frequency corresponding to the vitamin or mineral in which the body is deficient; but this is hard on the system, removing as much as it could possibly replace. Another method is to transmute a portion of excessive energy to the frequency needed to satisfy the deficiency; to do this well, however, you have to understand the frequencies and how to work with them. A third method is to pull the proper frequency into your system directly for the universe. The first two methods are not recommended for beginners because of their difficulty. The third is an excellent one to practice whether or not diet is adequate, raising the spiritual vibrations and training one to receive energies directly from the universe.


This is one of the best and simplest exercises available. You should take time to stretch thoroughly before going to sleep, upon waking, and at various times during the day.
Done prior to meditation, stretching unifies Self and Body, preparing it to assimilate knowledge later. It also releases blocks.

Cleansing the Head:

Shake your head gently a few times, then slowly roll it around on your neck. Imagine or visualize it cleansed and refined by a shower of golden (Kundalini /mental) energy. (A silvery sheen would indicate more of a spiritual essence.) Alternate or at least balance these two colors so you do not develop lopsided. Follow this exercise by imagining the breath going up into your head, nourishing all the cells. Ideally, then, you would go outdoors and increase your vision in the psychic and spiritual areas of your brain by looking at the scenery or the horizon.

Releasing Blocked Areas - Contracting the Belly:

This is for releasing the sexual, navel and solar plexus areas. Lie down supine on the floor and pull your knees to your chest so that the small of your back touches the floor. Tighten your belly muscles as much as possible from the pubic area to the ribcage and from side to side; then slowly lower your legs to a straight position without arching your back. Be sure your back and body are as relaxed as possible. Hold this muscle contraction while taking ten deep breaths. Move the energy from this area up and out the top of the head. Gradually do this exercise until you can hold the contraction for twenty breaths. This will release excess Kundalini from these areas, helping it on its way up the spine. It also helps conquer emotional states. Once each day is sufficient until the area feels cleansed; after that, do the exercise as the need arises.

Releasing the Chest Area:

At times you may feel very depressed in the chest area, even to the point of feeling as if you are drowning, unable to cope with all the vibrations. The following exercise can alleviate this.
Inhale and exhale deeply, expanding your entire chest cavity, front, back and sides. Visualize prana coming in with your breath, leaving through the skin to cover your entire body from the top of your head to your toes and fingers. Be sure your neck is relaxed. Let prana soothe the nerves of the skin.

Releasing the Neck Area:

Find a comfortable position, holding your neck straight and your head as high and straight as is comfortable. Roll your tongue back into your mouth; hold there for five breaths, focusing your attention on the crown chakra.
Let your neck be fully relaxed. Gradually increase the breaths until you can comfortably do fifteen. Once a day is sufficient until this area is cleansed, then do the exercise as the need arises.

Releasing the Glands:

Kundalini and chakras affect the glands, excessive energy causing increased glandular activity and also physical problems, if the glands are blocked. For a variety of reasons, many people have blocked or tensed the area around the glands, reducing their efficiency. The following exercise is designed to give you healthier, better functioning glands. Your first few times doing it you may be left feeling very heavy and tired, depending on the amount of energy released. Allow time for rest and open meditation afterwards. It is all right to do two or three areas at a time, but balance the energy overall so as not to create an overload. Once each week is enough for the entire system; later, do it only when you are blocked or you want to do it.
Visualize each gland in turn, beginning with the lower and ending with the pineal, as healthy and well-functioning, the surrounding area free from tensions and blocks. At the end of the exercise bathe the entire body in a golden light for a few minutes.


Nerves are extremely important whether a person is dealing primarily with spiritual or with Kundalini energies. Both of these energies manifest through the nerves, pushing them to extend and receive even more energy, thus heightening our awareness. Sometimes your nerves will feel raw, and you will feel tense and irritable. That is the time either to suspend or at least limit these exercises; perhaps you were doing so well with your meditations that you brought too much 220 energy into your 110 nerves.
Calming them and allowing them to catch up is essential.

Calming Your Nerves:

Imagine lying on a beach: The tide is coming in and gently washing all tension and negativity away, taking it back into the water to be cleansed in the ocean of life. Repeat until you have a calm and peaceful feeling all over your system.

Color Meditation:

Sometimes your nerves lack or are deficient in one of the component parts of the white light. Think of the ends of your nerves all over your body; imagine them filled with a red light and love (love doesn't dig up old frustrations); then an orange light, a yellow light, a green light, blue light, and a purple light, ending with a radiant white light filling your nerve endings.
Many times you will discover one of the colors rushing into the nerves; then you know you were deficient in it.


An excellent way to nourish and build up your nerves is to look at colors or visualize favorite ones. You may wish to use colored light bulbs to change the color energy of your area.


Where your nerves power your physical body, the nadis power the higher mental and spiritual levels. Nadis are like nerve channels of a more subtle, etheric nature. There are many thousands of them and they are very important as vehicles for the entry and circulation of the life force (prana) in the system. This is an important part of the Kundalini experience, as prana releases and activates Kundalini.
The Kundalini travels throughout these etheric nerves, refining and vivifying the entire system and availing you of higher spiritual and mental energies. The three main nadis are Sushumna (spiritual essence), which goes up the center of the spine; Ida, which has female polarity (negative in electrical terms); and Pingala, which has male polarity (positive in electrical terms). Ida and Pingala begin on either side of the base of the tailbone and weave back and forth around the spinal area (much as the snakes in the Caduceus of Hermes). They cross at the base of the skull, run over the top of the nose and end one at each corner of the nose.

In a good Kundalini release, the main force rises up Sushumna and the lesser forces rise up Ida and Pingala. When Ida receives an excessive release, you will experience an excess of energy in the emotional and intuitional bodies, leading to weepiness, a tendency to overeat, chills and difficulty staying warm, and getting caught in emotional and compassionate issues. When Pingala receives an excessive release, you may experience anomalies at the mental and will /spirit levels: hot flashes, sleeping problems, inability to eat, excessive mental pictures (usually of geometric shapes and lights), or psychic or spiritual sounds.

Balancing Exercises for Overloaded Ida or Pingala:

Visualize the end of your tailbone (where Kundalini comes into Sushumna), free of stress and opened to receive the flowing Kundalini. Now visualize the bottom of the left side of the tailbone, where Ida begins, also opened and stress-free. Then visualize the bottom of the right side of the tailbone where Pingala begins, free of stress and gently opened. (If visualization is difficult for you, use your imagination, which the energy also follows). Visualize or imagine about half of the Kundalini flow coming into Sushumna, going up the spine; divide the remaining half equally between Ida and Pingala. Let the Kundalini in Sushumna rise up the spine and out the top of the head to mix with divine energy and shower back over the body.

Now bring the Kundalini energy through Ida and Pingala. The Ida energy will come out the left side of the bottom of the nose and the Pingala energy out the right side; let this energy mix with the in-breath, then go into the lungs to travel all over the body to refine and uplift the cells. Some people find the bottom comers of their noses itch excessively during this Kundalini release; mixing the energy from Ida and Pingala with the in-breath will bring some relief (five or six breaths may be enough). As a variation, bring the Kundalini energy from Ida and Pingala (at the comers of the nose) up into the head with an in-breath and visualize or imagine it cleansing and refining the inside of the head. You may either dissipate the excess energy out the nose exhaling or radiate it out the entire head.

If you make use of a qualified Kundalini teacher to balance the Ida and Pingala flow, remember it is imperative that you eventually learn to control and move the energy yourself so you are not dependent upon others for your balancing.
Massage. Full body massages release excess energy and contribute to a
better balance and flow of energy.

Cleansing the Nadis:

Find a comfortable position, preferably with your back and neck straight. Take deep, peaceful breaths for a few moments, then two complete breaths.
Visualize the nadis, noting if any areas look dark or muddy. Fill yourself up with a silver sheen, letting all nadis be cleansed. Pay particular attention to Sushumna in the spine and Ida and Pingala alternating on either side of the spine.

Nadis Dance:

Play background music of a tribal or belly-dance nature (this type of music promotes release of evolutionary energy.) Think of the superficial facia, the area just under your skin all over your body; let it feel alive and guide your dance. As you dance visualize or imagine the thousands of nadis all through your body glowing and silvery. Feel your evolutionary energy enlightened. Five or ten minutes may be all you want to do, as this dance is quite powerful. Follow the dance by lying down and entering an open, meditative state. To insure you are on a higher vibration, think of yourself as floating.

You may never feel totally ready, but don't hassle yourself; listen to your own urge to move along. You are the best judge of where you are. Trust yourself. After you've raised some Kundalini you can always go back to previous exercises for further work and there are plenty of other things
you can do to enhance your overall development.

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Page Index:

Kundalini - A Brief Introduction
Start your journey to becoming a Kundalini Master here.
Kundalini - Symptoms, Causes, Cures
Further reading - Advanced understanding of Kundalini Awakening.
Kundalini - How To Ease The Strain
Advice and practical exercises to reduce the effects of spontaneous Kundalini Awakening.
Kundalini - Awakening The Kundalini Energy
Exercises and guidance on how to awaken the Kundalini Energy.

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