
ANUNNAKI - The Truth (Continued)

ANUNNAKI - A Terrifying Truth

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Specific areas in Australia have been reserved for the higher echelon of the ruling elite.

Already, a particular shire in Queensland has been selected to house a huge prison, four times the size of any other prison in the state. Retired military and police are being encouraged and programmed to re-locate to the shire. Many more will soon be getting the "call" to move to the shire to be standby personnel for the NWO.
Prisons are being constructed in anticipation of resistance to the elimination of freedom as the NWO is implemented. However, with all the increased programming for obeying the authorities being played repeatedly, it is doubtful that there will be much resistance to the NWO in Australia.

Travel will get more and more expensive, difficult and dangerous. Speed limits are being reduced on the basis that there are more accidents occurring, especially on the roads mapped out as NWO routes. When people travel on these routes, they are bombarded with beams imbedded with whatever type of programming the ruling elite uses to influence the motorists.
Slower speed extends the time motorists are subjected to the massive programming, and allows the programming to be more deeply imbedded. Road works are also used for stopping, slowing and more effectively programming motorists. Many road signs now contain strong programming, as do lights and other distractions that motorists are being subjected to as they travel on highways. A few people may sense something is not right, but they will not quite understand what is going on.
The programming can cause sleepiness, lack of concentration, irritability, sickness, all of which contribute to accidents and road rage, giving more excuse for greater police presence. More importantly, the programming also influences the mindsets of the victims.

It is worth mentioning that nearly all of the agents of the NWO do not suspect what is happening. For instance, police are programmed to believe that lower speed limits will reduce accidents and they are further programmed to want to increase revenues for the government by booking people for exceeding those speed limits.
Military personnel are programmed to believe that they are needed in foreign and domestic situations to help maintain a "better" world, and they are further programmed to abuse, torture and even kill any that interfere with this "better" world. In most cases, the police commissioners and ministers are ignorant of the Anunnaki plans for a NWO.
Likewise, general officers and even commanders of entire military forces may also be ignorant of the Anunnaki plans. This is a very secret conspiracy, and very few agents of Darkness are entrusted with substantial parts of the plans.

The demiurges are very fearful of rebellion and overthrow by underlings. It is for this reason that nearly all False-Light beings are only given information on a "need-to-know" basis. Even when a demiurge "incarnates" into a physical body, whether human or alien, that body is denied much information because the demiurge fears overthrow by Its own incarnation. The Virtual Reality is built upon distrust from the top down.
True-Light beings who are trapped in this Virtual Reality are restricted from receiving information due to the filtering systems imposed by Darkness to keep all beings ignorant. True-Light beings are able to connect with the True Creator, despite the obstructions erected by Darkness, but such connections are not always easy, and do not last long in this realm of Darkness.
Areas have been mapped out for the NWO. Physical safety may be available in certain alien areas, but at an expensive compromise of one's Will. Aliens are in populated and isolated areas as well. In short, there will be aliens and agents of the NWO almost anywhere you go on the planet. You need to be guided inwardly to the safest places and routes.

Some of us may need to be in the war zones, others may be guided to relatively safe areas. Remember, one's physical demise is not a sign of punishment or a sign of one's spiritual failure or success. In other words, a dedicated True-Light being may still suffer greatly or die a horrific death, just like beings of Darkness may likewise suffer and end tragically.
Physical relocation may not be feasible for everyone and one can gain inner strength from wherever one is located and in whatever situation one finds oneself, whether it be a war-torn country, a NWO infested area or a disaster prone territory. Some of you may be inflicted with illnesses, injuries or other traumas. Understanding that the physical shell is only temporary and is not the real you can assist you to let go of the fears that bind you to this Virtual Reality.

People are being encouraged to turn one another in to the authorities for anything that is suspicious and might be considered as terrorist activity. Whether the accusations are true or unfounded is basically irrelevant. What is important to the ruling elite is that people are turning in others for mere suspicions.
The plans to close off certain towns and cities are quite disturbing. Once the whole NWO is mapped out and the flow of food, water, electricity, medical supplies etc. is controlled, people will be virtually disabled throughout the controlled area.

Oil prices are being manipulated in order to restrict travel and for other reasons. If this continues to escalate, very few people will be able to afford to travel overseas. Those who can travel will be the rich and the privileged classes that are given advantages because they are favored by the system.
The Port Arthur massacre was staged in order to bring about the implementation of strict controls of firearms in Australia.
Earlier attempts in America to do this failed, which is one of the reasons why America will not be the first country to have the NWO implemented in it. Australia is now restricting the possession of swords, knives, dogs and other imagined or perceived weapons.

Concentrated localities have been slated for the most control. Many things are going on simultaneously.

the air we breathe

the water we drink

the food we eat

the sounds we hear around us...

....can all be impregnated with various programming agents to help bring about the NWO.

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