
Number Patterns - Decoding The Message

The Hidden Meaning Of Angel Numbers & Number Patterns

There's nothing strange about waking up in the middle of the night, rolling over to check the clock, and noticing that's it's 03:33am.

There's nothing unusual about going out for dinner with a friend, and noticing that the cost for the meal comes to exactly $77.77.
There's nothing odd about checking the battery life on your cell phone and noticing that's it's only got 11% left.

These occourences, when experienced once in a while, aren't strange, unusual OR fact, if they only ever happen to you once in a while then there's a good chance you wouldn't even notice them at all....and if you did....then you probably put it down to being just a slightly quirky coincidence.....

But if you're the type of person that notices these sorts of number patterns on a regular basis, then you might start to think that something more mysterious is going on.....and you'd be right!

Let me just clarify this for the sceptics out there......If you wake up at 03:33 once in a month, it may just be a coincidence......but if you woke up at exactly 03:33am every morning for a week, you might start to think that's a bit strange.....right??
If you filled your car with petrol and the price was $55.55, and then went out for dinner with a friend to find the bill came to $55:55, and then arrive home after your meal at exactly 5:55pm.....You'd either assume you've gone completely insane....OR....maybe the universe is sending you a message, giving you a little nudge in the right direction, or a sign to let you know that you're on the right path.
Well, number patterns can appear anywhere, at anytime, and if you're anything like us....and MANY other people out there....then you'll be curious to know the deeper meaning behind these strange, numerical occurrences.

Below is a list of the most common number patterns and their meanings. It's not the definitive guide to the meaning of numbers, but it will give you a good starting point for understanding the messages that are being sent to you via your guides.

Click here to learn more about connecting with your Spirit Guides.

Who knows.....You might've been getting an important message that you weren't even aware of.

Let's find out more!

Number Patterns Explained:

111 - The Intuition:
Seeing this number patterns on a regular basis is said to be a message of encouragement from the universe to tell you to keep following your Spirit.
The Universe wants to reassure you that you're doing a good job, you're on the right path and you'd be wise to listen to your gut and follow your heart.

222 - The Right One:
See this number and it's time for you to focus on nothing but the things you MOST desire in life.
This is a sign to let you know that this is the right place and time for you to manifest your wishes, so make sure you hold only the most positive thoughts in your mind and watch how quickly the universe responds.

333 - The Equilibrium:
It's time to centre your thoughts when you see this number pattern.
Focus on the 3 aspects of human life, mind, body, and spirit, because the universe is reminding you that ALL 3 are equally important for your overall growth and progression, and it's unwise to neglect one for the other.

444 - The Protection:
Probably the most troubling of the universal signs.
Seeing this number means you should be mindful of your thoughts and actions at this time. Your guides are trying to warn and protect you from negative influences and from attracting negative forces into your life, and remind you to take control and direct your mind in a more positive manner.

555 - The Change:
Get ready for some changes when you see this number pattern because the universe is about to get busy.
It's time for a shake up of your current situation, and the universe is sending you a message to let you know that's it's about to move some things around for you.

666 - The Step Back:
Not so much a sign from Satan to forewarn the coming of the anti-christ, but a simple message from your guides tell you to take a step back from your current situation.
If you see this pattern then ask yourself, "Is what I'm doing right or wrong?"

777 - The Inner Strength:
Seeing this number means that it's time for you to release your fears and let go of your inhibitions.
It's time to be courageous and strong at heart, and look forward to the future with excitement of all the good things that are yet to come.

888 - The Balance:
Whatever you're doing you're doing it well, because if you're seeing this number then it means that you're in balance with the flow of the universe.
You've achieved harmony within you're thoughts and actions and the universe is responding by letting you know.....well done.

999 - The Wrap Up:
You're coming to the end of something within your life, a project, a phase, it could be anything personal to you.....whatever it is, it means that it's time to start a new journey.
Seeing this number pattern means that it's time for you to tie up loose ends, let go of what doesn't serve you and prepare for the next chapter in your story.

That concludes this section on Number Patterns and their meanings.
Please share this knowledge with your friends on social media so that they too can begin decoding their own numerical messages.
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