
Coping With The Kundalini Chaos

A Practical Guide To Ease The Strain Of Kundalini Rising.

So by now you should've gained a fair understanding of what the Kundalini actually is, and what it intends to do in your life. Now you're ready to start working with your own Kundalini and hopefully help yourself to find some balance at this chaotic time, by working with, and channeling this intense force.
Help and Advice for Kundalini Awakening
It won't be easy.....but then nothing worth having ever takes work, dedication, discipline, patients and sacrifice, and if you're prepared to pour your heart and soul into working with your own Kundalini....then like I said before.....the rewards for you will be GREAT.

If you haven't read the previous pages on the Kundalini then we STRONGLY SUGGEST you do so before proceeding. The information you'll receive there is vital for making the right decision with regards to awakening this energy within yourself.
If you haven't then please Go Back Now.

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Exercises  To  Manage  Kundalini:

The following exercises can be used by anyone, whether extra Kundalini is flowing or not. They are primarily for cleansing and refining, while some help develop control of energies.
When a particular exercise releases too much energy, do not repeat it until the new energy is integrated into the system.
Free Kundalini Advice
Have a friend lead the exercises, as it is much easier to "get into" an exercise when you don't have to read during the procedure. If no one is available to help, you can put the instructions on tape.
When time or attention is limited, the following four exercises can provide much assistance over a short period.

Deep, Peaceful Breathing

Relax your body as much as possible while keeping your back straight. Lying down is the best position. Breathe deeply and slowly the way the system wants. If abdominal breathing is easiest, do that; if chest breathing,,do that. Do whatever is most peaceful so that the concentration is not on the mechanics. (This exercise tends to correct many breathing problems naturally.)

Let the breaths go deep into the body, deep into each cell. If the breathing pattern begins to change, let it. Let the body choose what it wants. See the energy of the breath going into each cell. This exercise is excellent whether done for a few minutes or half an hour. It is also excellent before meditations, during the day as a refresher, or as a relaxer before sleeping.


Mental Control

Learning to control the flow and direction of body energy will greatly reduce energy concentrations. Here are three ways to do it:

  • Be aware of any area in the system which seems blocked and let energy radiate from there to the entire body.

free kundalini advice

  • Be aware of any areas which seem blocked and "think" the energy back to the spine, up and out the top of the head.

  •  Be aware of any area which is tense and "think" extra energy into the tenseness to help break through and release it.


Open Meditation:

Do the Deep, Peaceful Breathing for a few minutes. Concentrate your attention on any area of the body causing pain or feeling blocked.
Massaging the area also helps. Let your attention wander to anything it,wishes. Situations, feelings or thoughts will usually come to mind which pertain to the troubled area; simply observe them and how the body feels.
Do not try to stop them. If tears come, let them. Releasing blocked thoughts and feelings can be accomplished in as little as five to fifteen minutes, or it may take as much as an hour. When new energy floods the system there is often sense of peacefulness.


Cleansing Screen:

Lie down and do the Deep, Peaceful Breathing for a few minutes.
Imagine lying on a screen that is larger than your physical body. Slowly visualize or imagine the screen rising up through your body, cleansing all negativity and removing blocks.

The Imaginary Cleansing Screen Moves Up Through The Body,
Removing Blocks.

When that is done, pray that the energy of the negativity and blocks be turned back into pure energy and released into the universe for the good of all. You may first wish to observe the blocks and ponder their symbolism.



(This exercise is called the broccoli because the energy looks much like stalks of broccoli.) Choose an area of your body that feels sluggish or is
causing a problem. Imagine that this area is full of broccoli-colored energy and is rather solid in appearance.
How To Balance Kundalini
Then visualize the part nearest the surface of the skin as being made up of green bubbles, similar to the top of broccoli flowers; imagine or visualize the bubbles turning to a light green, then to a gold as the energy is released out through the skin. The changing of the,colors resembles the ripening of the broccoli tops. A general energy release can be achieved by starting with the liver, and proceeding to the pancreas, stomach, heart, intestines or any other area you desire.


Spinal Relaxation:

This is for relaxing the "super-highway" or "communications channel.
Lie down, placing your arms above your head on the floor.
Free Kundalini Meditation
Pull knees to chest. Feel your spine touch the floor; let it relax, let it go. Let the tension drop into the floor.
Be aware where tension persists and massage each of those areas. If possible, have someone massage your back. Repeat the exercise. Spend five to ten minutes in a meditative state.


Breathing Exercises:

One of the most important things to consider, in or outside Kundalini cleansing, is breathing. There are many variations of breathing exercises depending on the purpose. The following are a few of the possibilities. Be careful, as the more advanced breathing techniques may release Kundalini in unmanageable ways.

  • Color Breathing. 

Sit or lay comfortably, making sure your spine is straight. Begin to breathe into the whole body, feeling the breath enter each cell, then imagine that your body is filled with a red light (make it a red "with love" so it does not bring up old frustrations).
Helpful Kundalini Advice and Support
Hold this for a few minutes, breathing it into each cell, aware of the vibrational quality in the system. Release the red light and do the same with orange, yellow, green, blue, purple and lavender (in that order). Finally, fill the body with a radiant white light and meditate on the divine source. (The meditation can be varied by focusing on God, a spiritual being, the universe, the purpose of life or a spiritual verse or idea.) After finishing the exercise, stretch your entire body.


  • Vibrational Breathing.

Sit erect or lie comfortably, spine straight.
Breathe deeply, allowing the entire chest and abdominal regions to protrude. First, fill the lower part of the chest with air, extending the abdomen slightly, then expand the middle of the chest and finally the upper part of the chest. Inhale for seven counts; hold for seven counts, exhale to the count of seven, and hold the breath out for seven counts. Repeat. You may synchronize your counting with your pulse beat; speed doesn't matter as much as evenness and continuity.

If your chest barely moves during inhalation or exhalation, try consciously pushing it out while inhaling and pulling it in while exhaling.
Many people's rib cages are so locked in by their muscle system that it is difficult for them to take a good breath. As the rhythm gets going and the counting becomes automatic, become aware of the pulse of the universe-its in and out movement—and its vibrational hum. You may follow this exercise with open meditation.


  •  Freeing Breathing.

Take deep, peaceful breaths. Concentrate on your breath leaving your toes, then your fingers, then the top of your head.
Visualize or imagine your breath taking the tensions of life with it as it leaves these areas.
This is an excellent exercise for equalizing the energy in the body and thereby relaxing the system. It brings a refreshed feeling, especially when followed by at least five to ten minutes of rest.


  •  Complete Breathing.

This is called complete breathing because when done correctly the breathing cycle fills the entire system. At first, practice it lying down. Bend your knees so that your feet are flat on the floor; place your hands—fingertips barely touching—on the belly below your navel.
Free Breathing Techniques
On the inhalation, separate your fingers slightly. When you gain some skill, try this breathing sitting up, then in a standing position. It should eventually become the normal way to breathe.

The Complete Breath can be broken down into six steps:

l/ Fill the lower part of your lungs, allowing your diaphragm to extend and the abdominal wall to expand.

2/ Fill the middle of the lung area, allowing your rib cage to extend.

3/ Fill the top of the lungs, allowing your upper chest to extend and the abdominal wall to recede. Pulling the abdominal wall back in allows the op of the lungs to fill more completely. (Note: perform the above three steps in one continuous movement using six pulse beats.)

4/ Hold your breath for a few seconds, allowing your chest and belly to relax more fully.

5/ Exhale slowly and evenly, pulling and lifting your abdomen, allowing,your chest to contract; do this using six pulse beats.

6/ Allow your chest and abdominal areas to relax and be still for a few seconds before beginning the process over again. Be sure your back is,also relaxed.
Make sure when standing or sitting that your chest is very erect; slouching will not allow the lungs to fill properly. This is not easy at first; it will take practice and patience. Two or three complete breaths are enough in the beginning. Gradually increase the number until ten FULL complete breaths can be done with no strain.


  •  Cleansing Breathing.

First, do three complete breaths (see above exercise), holding the breath for several seconds on the third complete breath. Second, holding your cheeks firmly, pucker your lips and force breath out in short blasts, holding briefly in between each blast. Continue,until all air is expelled. The force of each "blast" helps cleanse the system and revitalize it. Repeat, taking only one complete breath for each exhalation.


  •  Flute Breathing.

Do the above exercise but on the exhalation hold your Lips as if playing a flute or blowing over a bottle top. Keep the,exhalation in one continuous stream until all air is expelled. This releases excess energy.


Congratulations for making it this far. You've just seen a LOT of very intense information and if you're still intrigued to know more then I commend you, most would've turned back after the 1st page.
Remember, you don't have to utilise all of this new found knowledge all at once. Take your time, get it right and be patient as these new energies implement their design in your life. Like I said before, the journey will be difficult but the destination is unimaginable.

In the next section we'll be discussing ways in which you can awaken and release more Kundalini within yourself (if you choose) and hopefully, put you on the right path for spiritual ascension within this lifetime.

Good luck, and if you have any questions then please don't hesitate to comment in the box below and we'll get back to you as soon as possible.

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(Meditation and Relaxation Station)
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Page Index:

Kundalini - A Brief Introduction
Start your journey to becoming a Kundalini master here.
Kundalini - Symptoms, Causes, Cures
Further reading - Advanced understanding of Kundalini awakening.
Kundalini - How To Ease The Strain
Advice and practical exercises to reduce the effects of spontaneous Kundalini awakening.
Kundalini - Awakening The Kundalini Energy
Exercises and guidance on how to awaken the Kundalini Energy.


  1. Wow this is just amazing! I have been looking for this exact knowledge and i am sure i am guided by my guide and Guru to your blog. You are doing a fantastic job, please keep it up!

    1. Thank You very much for your comment. It's an honour to know that our work is helping so many people. Namaste

  2. I am doing meditation from last few month. In the middle of meditation I saw as an eye is opening in the centre of my forehead. Now I sometimes feel vibration and sometimes not during meditation. What is it I don't know. The vibration is less now. Please advice. Whether I should proceed towRds kundalini awakening or not?
